Hello All ♥

5 Feb

Welcome! I am so glad you stumbled upon my newest blog! Not going to lie, I have maybe one or two more floating around on the internet that I forget to update. But I try to keep up, but this will be no exception!  ;D  I enjoy having another so I can make friends at different websites, so HELLO! My name is Jessica and it’s a pleasure.

I am unsure what I want to write for this first post, so I guess I can go into a little more detail about what this is all about.  If you’ve read my “About Me” you know the most important details. I am married to a great guy that you will see me mostly refer to as HUSBO. We will be married 2 years in June and I couldn’t be happier with how our life is turning out. In 2011 he was sent to Afghanistan on his first deployment and came back almost a year later in 2012. We were married in June 2011 at the courthouse, then also had a “formal wedding” at the end of July 2011 with family and friends. HUSBO left for training the whole month of August and deployed in September, so as you can see we didn’t spend a lot of time together after our wedding. Being apart for a year, especially when one of you is in a war zone was the most difficult thing we’ve ever experienced. Seven of his brothers died over there so I feel so lucky to have him home. Bless those men and their families. Thank goodness for technology! Even while being apart we became even closer through Skype, AIM, and Gmail. Currently my HUSBO works and takes care of our little family.

I currently work as a Caregiver to my Grandmother who suffers from Alzheimer’s and Dementia. I have been doing this for nearly 7 years and I do it for her, for my family. It’s a hell of a disease and is emotionally draining. Some days it makes me truly miserable but I love helping my family and I will continue to do so until the day she dies. I also truly feel like the worst wife ever, as I cannot cook at all! I am learning all the time and uh… could use some help? Evenings I love helping out or taking care of my HUSBO because he deserves it, he is wonderful to me. As of right now I miss him terribly… It is ridiculous how much I miss him, as he has taken on extra jobs right now. Recently we have decided we want to start trying to have a baby! Exciting! But requires us both… I cannot do that on my own haha! Our work schedules are different and we struggle to spend some time together. Hopefully we figure that out soon!

I am interested in a lot of things, as most people are… Music fav bands/artists are Hanson, Jonas Brothers, Drake Bell – yeah, go ahead, make fun! I love a lot of different music I promise. I have a serious addiction to cartoons. I am a Disney Fanatic, my dream job is working at a Disney park or being the voice of a cartoon character (haha). I want to learn to cook, figure out how to be crafty, and just be an all around better person. I am Catholic (Not “practicing” except for praying to my Lady of Guadalupe every night), my HUSBO Atheist, but I am interested in Buddhism and have been educating myself. I hope to follow the teachings, learn as much as I can and work on my daily life that way. I am nervous, scared, and excited to start trying to having a baby! I also have a cat that I love like crazy, even though he is an absolute terror.

That is life at the moment and a little background. Let’s be friends?

3 Responses to “Hello All ♥”

  1. shaalasherman February 16, 2013 at 8:17 am #

    I wanted to “like” this, but either I am not special enough to have a like option or I am blind. (totally possible this early in the morning) Anyhoo… My idea if cooking when I was younger was opening a can of campbells soup. Now, I make my own pasta, bread and various other things, and I must say I am a pretty good cook! 🙂 I am totally available for advice.

    • thecatsme0w February 16, 2013 at 5:12 pm #

      Hmm i hope its just early lol or else i have to find the problem! I would gladly take any advice on cooking lol I am jusr awful! I even failed at cooking bacon 😐 booo lol nice to make a new friend!

      • shaalasherman February 17, 2013 at 5:41 pm #

        LOL- the key to cooking bacon is to cook it on a low enough heat. Too hot and it will scorch. Try cooking it on medium low and slowly increase it until you find the level you are comfortable with. Just don’t let it get too hot. 🙂

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